September 24, 2018

What’s your name, where are you from, and what do you do?

My name is Stacey, I'm from Burlington, Massachusetts, and I work in Corporate Marketing.

What makes you a fighter?

I'm never satisfied with where I'm at - I always want to be better. I fight to be where I want to be, and to be the person I want to be.

What do you fight for?

I fight to be stronger both physically and mentally. I fight to continue learning and teach what I've learned to others. I fight because the athlete in me wants to be great at a sport. I fight for the adrenaline rush. I fight because I love it!

What inspires you to take the hits and keep on fighting?

Knowing that the hits only make me stronger, and that in failure there's always a lesson to be learned.

If you could fight side-by-side with one person, past or present, who would it be?

Hilary Swank, so I could move the stool.

What is your Fight Fuel?

Protein, fruit, veggies, anything chocolate.

What is your Fight Song?

Anything I can bang my head to (insert 'rock on' hand emoji).

What’s your favorite EverybodyFights class?

All of them! But I do love FIGHTxCIRCUIT because I learn a lot about technique.

Who is your favorite EverybodyFights Trainer, and why?

Shane Jordan was my favorite trainer because he had crazy energy, his classes were structured and easy to follow, and he took me under his wing to learn about boxing and teaching at EBF.

How do you Fight It Forward?

I fight it forward by learning as much as I can and teaching what I've learned to others in high-energy, fun classes.